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delivery model

Enacad is committed to provide high-quality training to students around the world. Our courses are designed to provide specialized training in a particular product or technology, and we offer a variety of delivery structures to meet the needs of our students.

Enacad Delivery Model

Instructor Led training: Enacad offers ILT programs for our courses at various locations around the world. Our instructors are highly experienced and knowledgeable, and they provide hands-on training that is tailored to the specific needs of each student. The courses are delivered on different timeslots based on batch requirements.

Online courses: Enacad offers online courses through our learning management system. Our online courses are highly interactive and engaging, with multimedia resources and interactive coursework that helps students stay motivated and on track.

Webinars: Enacad offers live webinars for our courses, with an instructor leading the course and students participating through an online platform. Our webinars are highly interactive, with opportunities for students to ask questions and interact with the instructor and other students in real time.

On-demand courses: Enacad offers on-demand courses, with students accessing course materials and completing coursework at their own pace. Our on-demand courses are highly flexible and convenient, with students able to work on their coursework whenever and wherever it’s convenient for them.

At Enacad, we’re committed to provide a variety of delivery structures for our courses to meet the needs of our students. Whether you prefer Instructor Led Training program, online courses, webinars, or on-demand courses, we have a delivery structure that will work for you. Our courses are designed to provide you with the specialized training you need to succeed in your industry, and our instructors are dedicated to help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn more about our courses and how we can help you succeed.

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